Problem Gambling Coalition of Colorado Inc
Our Purpose
To serve as the state affiliate of the National Council on Problem Gambling and as the state advocate for programs and services to assist all affected by problem gambling throughout the state of Colorado.
Our Mission
To increase awareness, advocate for treatment, and promote research and education on problem gambling.
Our Vision
To restore and maintain the quality of life of individuals and communities impacted by problem gambling.
Our Core Values
We do not take a position for or against legalized gambling. We advocate solely for those affected by problem gambling.
We believe that our mission is best served by the collaborative action of a broad range of people and organizations.
We will treat all those affected by problem gambling and all stakeholders with respect.
We will be an objective, accurate, and reliable source of information for all those concerned with problem gambling.
Contact Us
PGCC - (303) 662-0772
Problem Gambling Center - (303) 955-4682
PO Box 260435
Lakewood, CO 80226
Jamie Glick - President
Peggi O'Keefe
Executive Director
Colorado Gaming Association
Robert C. Runco - Vice President, Treasurer
Runco Law Firm
Peggy Brown
NCPG Affiliate
Diane Skufca, Secretary
Director of Facility Operations
Colorado Division of Youth Corrections
PGCC Board of Directors

PGCC Partners

Get in Touch
7585 West Arkansas Avenue, Ste 202
Lakewood, Colorado 80232